
In Q4 2021, the UK’s job vacancy rate was higher than the unemployment rate and this is a clear indicator of a labour shortage. To compound the issue, when jobs are advertised, employers are reporting a significant skills shortage. Businesses in every sector are struggling to attract talent.

One of the big issues is a mismatch between employer and employee expectations, especially notable with Generation Z. Fresh thinking and digitally savvy, the next generation can be a workplace asset. However, their attitude, approach and motivations are different from the Generation X workforce that is typically recruiting them. By better understanding these differences, can employers attract more talent?

What does the Next Generation of Employees Want?

Generation Z isn’t bound by the idea of securing a lifelong career and with the market in their favour, they are picky about who they want to work for. If they don’t like it, they’ll leave. Three common themes are identified in recruitment surveys as being priorities for the future workforce:

Work-Life Balance

The individuals entering the workplace for the first time do not want to be defined by their career. Yes, they want to work and they need to earn a fair wage, but they also want to enjoy life. The idea of endless long working days has no appeal, they want a work-life balance.

In reality, that is what we all want. That includes the Generation X managers, who are often juggling care responsibilities for children and parents, whilst working full time. The difference is, that this option wasn’t available to them. They’ve endured fixed contracts, long commutes and sacrifices to get where they are today. As a result, accepting that it doesn’t have to be like this isn’t easy. Rather than resent the next generation, let’s see if a fresh approach can boost recruitment and employee engagement.

Values Alignment

The next generation is informed and wants to work for a socially conscious organisation. They value a company culture that genuinely supports diversity, inclusivity and environmental responsibility. To improve the chances of recruiting and retaining talent, companies must showcase their values and back them up with tangible evidence.

37% of Gen Z have rejected a job based on personal ethics. Source: Deloitte’s 2022 Gen Z & Millennials Survey.

The good news is, that consumers are also seeking out companies with shared values. They want to buy responsibly sourced products from ethical brands. Therefore, the rewards for your efforts and achievements will be two-fold. Furthermore, when values do align, your customers and employees will be your strongest advocates, actively engaged in marketing your brand.

Learning & Development Opportunities

Generation Z wants to be taken seriously from the offset. They aren’t going to sit back and know their place; they want to express their opinions and ideas and to be heard. They are keen to be involved and to progress. Sit them in a back room with a mundane task for weeks on end and they’ll move on. They like to feel that their work is meaningful and when they understand the purpose, they will commit to it.

By involving them and providing learning experiences and career development opportunities, they are more likely to remain engaged and onside. It is widely recognised that upskilling employees is a crucial factor in preventing a skills shortage escalation, so this is a good strategy for businesses to adopt.

Finding the Right Skillset

So, we’ve covered three priorities for future employees, but what do employers want? They need individuals with workplace skills and strong potential. In the past, knowledge was important, but in the digital age knowledge is just a few clicks away. What they need are employees who can apply that knowledge, think critically, problem solve, make decisions and communicate effectively.

These are skills that are difficult to determine from a CV. Education is still very based on accumulating and remembering information, rather than applying the learning. This is why a growing number of employers are employing aptitude and ability tests or personality assessments in the recruitment process.

Evaluating the Recruitment Process

If your company has struggled to attract talent, it could be time to evaluate the recruitment process and new starter opportunities. Is your offer tempting?

If you find that new employees don’t fulfil your expectations, Mindset offers aptitude and personality assessments to help spot potential and aid candidate selection. Contact us to discuss how to include these services in your next recruitment drive.

Further reading:




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